Our Services
Investment Strategy
Benefiting from a wide range of economic and real estate market research, we identify and take immediate advantage of market inefficiencies and mis-pricing, focusing primarily on opportunistic or value added strategies. We utilise established relationships with vendors and agents to source and secure investment opportunities at attractive pricing.
Bespoke financial solutions are applied to maximise returns and minimise risk, applying financial engineering where appropriate.
We have exceptionally close relationships with lenders and are therefore able to secure attractive terms for senior loans and if appropriate, mezzanine and equity finance. Investream Finance Limited carries out all investment activity, as defined by the Financial Services & Markets Act 2000, a firm authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Portfolios are often created to diversify risk and generate a premium value. Ongoing analysis identifies the drivers for performance allowing investment strategies to be continuously reviewed and adjusted according to the dynamics of the market.
Asset Management
Comprehensive business plans are established and implemented from the outset, with specific quarterly targets reviewed weekly. All service providers, particularly, leasing agents and project managers, are motivated to ensure a high level of performance. Co-ordinating all ongoing tax, accounting and legal matters ensures a cohesive approach to maximise net returns. Detailed quarterly reports provide a thorough insight into the ongoing performance of the investment. We continually strive to improve net cashflow through lettings, rent reviews and reducing non-recoverable expenses. Assets are upgraded through obtaining planning permission for improved and enlarged schemes, carrying out, where appropriate, refurbishments or redevelopments.
Full and bespoke property management services are provided by dedicated and experienced property managers, ensuring a high level of service to the benefit of both the tenants and the performance of the asset. Particular emphasis is on the cost control of operating budgets to ensure effective management of the assets.
In continuously seeking to add value, the team review all aspects of the investment, applying risk management to preserve the equity base, whilst achieving high investment returns.